
Wednesday 23 October

Time Title Presenter
8:00 AM Registration - tea/coffee
8:45 AM Welcome remarks/housekeeping Michel Krall Jürgens/Duncan Jarman - Sophion Bioscience A/S
Session 1 Chair: Bruce Bean - Harvard University
9:15 AM Real-time trafficking of membrane proteins via Genetic code expansion and click chemistry Keynote: Sharona Gordon - University of Washington
10:00 AM Deciphering ubiquitin code regulation of ion channels Henry Colecraft - Columbia University
10.25 AM Chaperone assisted assembly of alpha7-nicotinic receptors Ralph Loring - Northeastern University
10:50 AM Tea/coffee - exhibits and posters
11:30 AM Block of delta glutamate receptor channels by calcium Stephanie Gantz - University of Iowa
11:55 AM Resisting a toxic environment – frog saxiphilins in action Daniel Minor - University of California, San Francisco
12:20 PM Mechanotransduction in Sensory Hair Cells: A Tale of Two Channels Jeffrey Holt - Boston Children's Hospital
12:45 PM Lunch - exhibits and posters
Session 2 Chair: Birgit Priest - Eli Lilly
2:00 PM Resurgent Na current in context: Insights from the structure and function of Na and K channels Indira Raman - Northwestern University
2:25 PM Therapeutic pipeline for periodic paralysis: channel modifiers and gene therapy Steve Cannon - University of California, Los Angeles
2:50 PM Targeting Ion Channels for Pain Bruce Bean - Harvard University
3:15 PM TBA Maxcyte - Sponsor Presentation
3:25 PM Tea/coffee - exhibits and posters
4:10 PM De novo missense changes of CACNA1A in neurodevelopmental disorder. Jennifer Pan - Harvard University
4:35 PM TBA Chris Ahern - University of Iowa
5:00 PM Sophion Bioscience: News & Views Michel Krall Jürgens & Daniel Sauter, Sophion Bioscience
5:25 PM Wrap-up Samantha Cramer - Sophion Bioscience, Inc.
05:30 PM Drinks reception

Thursday 24 October

Time Title Presenter
8:00 AM Tea/coffee
8:55 AM Welcome remarks Duncan Jarman - Sophion Bioscience A/S
Session 3 Chair: Diane Lipscombe - Brown University
9:00 AM Large library docking for new ion channel ligands Keynote: Brian Shiochet - University of California, San Francisco
9:45 AM Differential modulation of sodium channel mutants by CBD and FHFs. Theodore Cummins - Indiana University
10:10 AM Mechanistic diversity underlying calcium Ivy Dick - University of Maryland
10:45 PM Tea/coffee - exhibits and posters
11:15 AM Mechanistic insight into TOK1 modulation by pharmacological and environmental stimuli Rían Manville - University of California, Irvine
11:40 PM Inactivation mechanisms in voltage-activated cation channels Kenton Swartz - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH)
12:05 PM Development of gene-modifying therapies for Dravet syndrome Lori Isom - University of Michigan
12:35 PM Modulating E/I ratio via channels and microcircuits Simon Chamberland - University of Pittsburgh
1:00 PM Lunch - exhibits and posters
Session 4 Chair: Daniel Sauter - Sophion Biosciences, Inc.
2:00 PM Inactivation in Na channels Pancho Benzanilla - University of Chicago
2:25 PM Non-redundant regulation of CaV3.1 and CaV3.2 channels by NEDD4L and Smurf1 ubiquitin ligases Arden Darko-Boateng - Columbia University
2:50 PM Voltage-gated calcium ion channels in neuroinflammation Diane Lipscombe - Brown University
3:15 PM Rendering NaV1.7 channels permeable to potassium ions creates an electrical shunt and reduces DRG neuronal excitability Mark Estacion - Yale University
3:40 PM Best Poster Award (winner MUST be present) Daniel Sauter - Sophion Bioscience, Inc.
3:50 PM Wrap up & closing remarks Michel Krall Jürgens and Samantha Cramer, Sophion Bioscience