
Wednesday 21 June

08:00 PM Registration and coffee
09:00 AM Welcome remarks Thomas Binzer - Sophion Bioscience
Session 1 Chair: Derek Bowie - McGill University
09:15 AM The Interactome of AMPA-receptors - Protein-coding of Excitatory Neurotransmission and its Plasticity Bernd Fakler - University of Freiburg
09:40 AM Kv1.3 channels as new targets in cardiovascular disease Teresa Pérez García – University of Valladolid
10:05 AM Role of Ca2+-activated K+ and Cl- channels in cancer drug resistance Susumu Ohya - Nagoya City University
10;30 AM Tea/coffee - exhibits & poster sessions
11:15 AM Astrocytic Modulation of Bursting Activity in Fragile X Patient Derived Cortical Neurons Shreya Parthadas Sharma - Edinburgh University
11:40 AM Allosteric inhibitors targeting the calmodulin-PIP2 interface of SK4 K+ channels for atrial fibrillation treatment Bernard Attali - Tel Aviv University
12:05 PM Characterisation of monogenic clinical variants of potassium channels to understand their contribution in disease phenotypes Emma Veale - University of Kent
12:30 PM Neuronal KCNQ channelopathies: human phenotypes, functional aspects and pharmacological approaches Maurizio Taglialatela - University of Naples Federico II
12:40 PM Lunch - exhibits and poster session
Session 2 Chair: Teresa Pérez García – University of Valladolid
02:00 PM Neurosteroids – Endogenous modulators of the GABAA receptor Jeremy Lambert - University of Dundee
02:25 PM An unanticipated Ca2+-independent effect of BAPTA uncovers a new way to target Mcl-1-dependent cancer cells Flore Sneyers – Catholic University Leuven
02:50 PM Nav channels: drugging the dark side with high throughput Nasreen Choudhury - Evotec SE
03:15 PM Tea/coffee - exhibits & poster sessions
04:00 PM ERG channels: not just an affair of the heart Iain Greenwood - St George's, University of London
04:25 PM Molecular mechanisms underlying the epileptic symptoms of GNB1 encephalopathy and a potential therapeutic approach Haritha Reddy - Tel Aviv university
04:50 PM Sophion news & views Thomas Binzer - Sophion Bioscience
05:15 PM Wrap up
05:30 PM Drinks reception in the Scholars' Garden
07:00 PM Dinner at the Great Hall, Clare College

Thursday 22 June 2023

08:00 AM Registration & coffee
09:00 AM Session 3 Chair: Iain Greenwood - St George's, University of London
09:05 AM Kv7 channels - You can teach even old dogs new tricks Guiscard Seebohm - University of MĂĽnster
09:30 AM Translational studies of ion channels in visceral pain David Bulmer - University Of Cambridge
09:55 AM Towards more physiological assays: Neurological Models using automated patch clamp platforms (Qube 384 & QPatch) Kim Boddum - Sophion Bioscience
10:20 AM Tea/coffee, exhibits & poster sessions
11:20 AM TRPM3 – from the periphery to the brain Thomas Voets - Catholic University Leuven
11:45 AM Effects of chemotherapy drugs on voltage-gated sodium channels in breast cancer cells Serife Yerlikaya - University of York
12:00 PM Activity-dependent distribution of sodium channels at the axon initial segment of neurons Hiroshi Kuba - Nagoya University
12:25 PM Molecular determinants of oxidation dependence of volume regulated anion channels Michael Pusch - Genova Institute of Biophysics
12:50 PM Lunch - exhibits & poster sessions
Session 4 Chair: Damian Bell - Sophion Bioscience
02:00 PM The glutamatergic synapse as a hub for neurodevelopmental disorders Derek Bowie - McGill University
02:25 PM NaV1.4 channelopathies- novel phenotypes and mechanisms Roope Mannikko - University College London
02:50 PM From basic science to clinical trials: lessons from chemotherapy Barbara Erhlich - Yale University
03:15 PM TRPM2 as a body temperature sensor Makiko Kashio - National Insitute for Physiological Sciences, Japan
03:40 PM Wrap up