Use of automated patch clamp to record membrane currents in freshly isolated smooth muscle cells


ICMS 2024 UK


Zena Webbe, Iain Greenwood, Kim Boddum



Automated patch clamp (APC) has been used to record membrane currents from heterologous expression system as well as cultured neuronal and cardiac cells. However, there are no reports on membrane currents being recorded by APC from freshly isolated smooth muscle cells. Here we report preliminary data on voltage-activated chloride channel currents recorded from freshly isolated smooth muscle cells from rat bladder.

Chloride channels (ClC) play a pivotal role in the physiological functions of smooth muscle cells, influencing processes such as electrical excitability, ion homeostasis, and transepithelial transport. The ClC ion channels are integral in maintaining the delicate balance of chloride ions within the cells, which is crucial for the regulation of muscle tension and contraction.

ClC ion channels are essential components of smooth muscle cell physiology, contributing to the regulation of vascular tone and blood pressure. Their intricate regulation and diverse roles underscore the complexity of smooth muscle cell function and the importance of chloride channels in the maintenance of normal physiological states and the development of various diseases.

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