TMEM233 is a novel NaV1.7-interacting protein targeted by pain-causing toxins


ICMS 2023 UK


Tabea Klasfauseweh, Sina Jami, Jennifer R. Deuis, Sergey Kurdyukov, Felicity Chung, Samuel D. Robinson, Lotten Ragnarsson, Ã…sa Andersson, Poanna Tran, Hue N. T. Tran, Andreas Leffler, James J. Cox, G. Gregory Neely, Thomas Durek & Irina Vetter



TMEM233 is a transmembrane protein of the dispanin protein family with previously unknown function. Here we show for the first time that TMEM233 is required for the pharmacological activity of ExTxA. The precise ExTxA binding site on TMEM233 remains to be determined. We position TMEM233 as a novel NaV1.7-interacting protein that modulates gating properties. The interaction of NaV1.7 with TMEM233 as well as its paralogues in the dispanin protein family will be investigated in the future.

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