New QPatch II Mars software release available
Take full advantage of your QPatch II system(s) by upgrading to QPatch II Mars, the newest software upgrade for this platform. QPatch ll Mars includes a variety of new features developed with great input from our users and in-house scientists. Highlights of the QPatch II Mars software features include:
Adaptive Current Clamp
Current clamp (CC) allows you to record how the ion channels set the cell’s membrane potential and how they generate e.g. action potentials in neurons and cardiomyocytes. To investigate such physiological responses on automated patch clamp, it is desirable to be able to handle each cell individually, which is now possible on QPatch II. Adaptive CC is built on the “Vxx” functionality and automatically measures and applies a unique current value for each cell. Each cell can be interrogated independently, analyzed online, and automatically exposed to individual current injections. Such individual current injection can be used to obtain a proper resting membrane potential and to evoke action potentials, that are more uniform across the QPlate.
If you are familiar with the adaptive voltage protocols, “Vxx”, then this is the current clamp ditto, and it is named “Iadapt” in the Sophion Analyzer user interface.
XY-plot of any property from your experiments
On QPatch II you can now plot any property from your experiment and from the analysis of your experiment against each other. Thereby, you have more efficient data evaluation, and it helps you find correlations.
It can be useful to visualize and detect, which properties correlate to unwanted experiments and hence should be removed from the analysis. You can use this knowledge to optimize the unbiased filtering of the data. Rather than guessing and turning on and off filters, this is much more user-friendly.
Live IT-plot on screening station during assay execution
With the live IT-plot functionality on QPatch II, you can now follow the progress of your experiment in real-time. The live IT-plots (current vs. time) shows how the ion channel current responds to compounds or voltage protocols over time. In addition, the plot shows compound name and concentration with compound info on the screening station based on the online cursor set in the voltage protocol. The same information is visible in the live sweep plot.
Additional new functionalities in QPatch II Mars software suite
There are several additional new features included in the QPatch II Mars software:
- Sweep subtraction has been expanded and now you can subtract all the sweeps of a step protocol from a baseline or several compound conditions
- You can make an average of sweeps in an IV-protocol or in repeated liquid periods
- Automatically combine slightly different experiment protocols with the same compound with liquid period groupin
- Assign any value to the baseline and full response of group Hill fi
- More current clamp analysis methods and all methods have been moved out to standard results for easier access
- Pipetting noise filter can be applied in ligand gated experiments to clean up sweep appearance
- .xls export upgraded to .xlsx which gives > 1 million rows
- E-mail to notify if a backup has failed
- Both front and back side, of the QPlate, pressure data, with 10x increased resolution
In addition to adding features to the software, we have performed software maintenance and improved the user interface for Sophion Analyzer. For example, you can now get automatic scale bars for publication grade graphs. Also, QPatch II comes with the newest Festo VTEP system and supports Oracle 19.
With the enhancements to QPatch II, you can increase the output of your ion channel research even more.
You are also very welcome to book one of our application scientists for an online demo at info@sophion.com or visit our labs in Copenhagen, Denmark, Boston, United States, Tokyo, Japan or Shanghai, China.