Publications by the Sophion community

Cornucopia of ion channel publications from QPatch & Qube users in 2nd quarter of 2024

QPatch & Qube users are a broad and diverse group, so it’s no surprise that their ion channel publications reflect this diversity. In this 2nd quarterly review, 16 publications cover a wide range of ion channels (Nav, Kv, AMPA, GABA, nAChR, and chloride), pharmacology, and disease areas (pain, cancer, neurological disorders, autoimmunity, cardiac safety, venoms, antibacterial).

Such diversity means there will surely be something for everyone in ion channel research. From the list, we are highlighting three particular publications:

  • In the latest in a long line of collaborative publications with DTU on neutralizing snakebite venoms, Benard-Valle et al. have developed an oligoclonal mix of nanobodies that neutralize key components of coral snake venoms and increase survival times in mouse envenomation models. Read the paper here
  • Developments in human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived peripheral sensory neurons took another stride towards improved translation and models in pain pathways. Joining forces, the leading pain labs of Angelika Lampert, Irina Vetter, and Ted Price, worked with Sophion & Anatomic Inc. to characterize iPSC differentiation methods. Read the paper here
  • Moving from pain translation models into pain drug discovery, Sumimoto Pharma have developed a novel blocker of Nav1.7, Nav1.8 & Nav1.9, three key sodium channels in nociceptive peripheral sensory neurons. Previous and ongoing pain drug discovery has tended to target one of these three channels: Sumimoto are banking on blocking the trio to lead to better analgesic outcomes. Read the paper here


Read the full list of Q2 2024 user publications here