New publications: Latest innovations & developments from Sophion users in Q4 2024
In the 2024, Q4 quarterly review, we have 16 new publications to welcome in the new dawn of 2025. From Aladinskiy et al. to Zhang et al., this A to Z of Sophion users’ publications covers ion channels, diseases and innovative developments for all the ion channel community.
Selected publications highlights include:
- Dubaissi et al. – in a collaboration of the Universities of Manchester, Sussex, and Enterprise Therapeutics have developed a novel Xenopus tadpole skin model to further our understanding and drug discovery potential of TMEM16A chloride ion channel as a cystic fibrosis therapeutic target.
- Binkle-Ladisch et al. – in another multi-academic-industry collaboration, scientists at University Medical Centre and Fraunhofer Institute, Hamburg, KU Leuven, Evotec and SCIENAMICS GmbH performed screens to find TRPM4 antagonists to address neuronal excitotoxicity, the underlying cause of several neurodegenerative disorders (e.g. Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).
- Ghovanloo et al. – Yale and Harvard researchers joined forces showing that TRPM8 mutant variants likely contribute to post-operative pain in LASIK eye surgery in identified patient populations.