Keep it simple – Ready-To-Use Cav1.2 cells on Qube 384
Application Report
CiPA recommended CaV1.2 assay protocols were run on Qube
384 using Ready-To-Use (RTU) CaV1.2 cells from NMI TT with
~80% success rate, low run-down and reliable pharmacology.
We demonstrate the quality and versatility of ready-to-use CaV1.2 cells, but also that RTU cells can be a valuable addition to the laboratory tool pack to 1) decrease variation from cell culture and 2) decrease dependence on skilled cell culture personnel.
• Ready-to-use cells easily ignites your experiment within
• Up to 82% success rate
• Reliable pharmacology including safety pharmacology
recommended by CiPA
• Rundown of only +0.2% ± 0.06% per minute