
Join the Sophion Bioscience sponsored event highlighting the importance of Ion Channels as therapeutic targets

In the last three decades, a broader group of scientists other than biophysicists have become interested in studying ion channels including biologists, biochemists, molecular biologists, physiologists and physicians.

The availability and advancement of technologies that allow scientists to measure the activity of ion channels is one reason for the increase in interest. The other reason is the importance of ion channels as drug targets.

With the advancement of the patch clamp technique, scientists have been able to measure and observe how aberrations in ion channels lead to neurological, cardiac, muscular, and metabolic disorders.

Click here to sign-up

Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and expertise in the exciting field of ion channel research.

Date:     14th September 2023
Time:    11:00 AM – 2:00PM
Event:   Massachusetts Biotechnology Council – sign-up here